May 11, 2012

  • Warning: GRAPHIC - True Love!

    I put this at a C rating, if it needs a D or more let me know.


    So anyway, I have this disgusting ear mole. I've had other moles cut off by my dermatologist but I wanted to get rid of this one because I'm going on a trip soon. And let's face it, this thing is gross! When I did have my dermatologist remove my other moles he didn't even cut the whole mole off and I STILL have moles because of his incompetence.

    I asked @themushypear if he though it was gross. He said yes it was... (I appreciate his honesty) SO NO WAY WAS I KEEPING IT. I CUT OFF MY BODY PART OUT OF LOVE!!

    So I decided to shave off my nasty little mole with a razor. I cut the remaining pieces off with my cuticle scissors. I'm proud of myself because I did a much better job than my stupid dermatologist did!


    Behold, my uggers ear mole in all it's glory!

    Mid surgery. I am taking a razor to it. The same razor I use to cut off my callouses. MMM appetizing.

    Here you can see I have it half lopped off.

    Now it is gone!!



     Prescription strength antibiotic ointment (from previous professional mole removal), bloody paper towel, razor I used, plastic bag with my mole in it. The only thing I didn't add was the cuticle scissors I used to finish it off.



    It was hilarious because after he told me it was gross I told him I was going to cut it off. He freaked out and kept calling my phone trying to tell me NO DON'T DO IT, IT'S CUTE! LOLOL

    TL;DR @themushypear gave me his honest opinion, performed surgery on myself, ear mole is gone!! 

    And that's true love, cutting off your disgusting ear mole for someone. Ha ha.



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